A 2022 snapshot of sustainability in lubricants production: still some way to go

December 12, 2022

A 2022 snapshot of sustainability in lubricants production: still some way to go

Fifty plants in the PIMS biannual benchmarking study answered questions about sustainability. The results for the global sample and six regions are as follows:

About a quarter of energy used is renewable, with above average percentages in South America, Europe and China. Only a handful of plants had solar panels, the rest used hydroelectric, wind or solar from the grid.

A considerable proportion of plants treat waste water to meet their water needs, especially in North America.

One area where the Middle East / Africa leads the world is in the use of recycled plastic for making bottles. However, the percentage is low everywhere.

he use of reconditioned drums is even lower (though of course a lot of new drums are made from steel produced from scrap). Only South America and APAC have a noticeable percentage.

Finally, the use of re-refined base oil is very limited, especially as you go East.

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